Sendero is a water-soluble concentrate for the selective control of woody plant species.
Certain woody plants are essential for desirable wildlife habitat. Wildlife uses these plants for cover, nesting, and nutrition. However, species such as sicklebush outcompete desirable shrubs forprecious
moisture and sunlight, if left unmanaged.
The selectivity of Sendero allows control of the undesirable brush while having little to no effect on desirable brush, even with broadcast aerial applications.
Sendero translocates to the roots and underground bud zone more quickly and thoroughly than other products. This speciality product is your proven wildlife and livestock habitat enhancement partner.
Sendero 336 SL is not a plant poison as herbicides are known; the active ingredients simply mimic
plant hormones to disrupt plant growth. This leads to the plant’s demise.
Sendero 336 SL applications can be made by aerial broadcast or by foliar spot application. has no restrictions regarding the removal or moving of livestock or game animals prior to product application. It also does not harm sensitive ecosystem fauna, and is not carcinogenic to humans.

Pasture and land management
Where sicklebush grows densely, valuable water resources are exhausted, nutrients are depleated and the grazing potential of the field is reduced and dense, impenetrable thickets are formed.
Weed control by aerial application is the cheapest method and the most practical way to reduce the encroachment drastically.

Sendero 336 SL product benefits
- Sendero 336 SL is not poison, the active ingredients mimic plant hormones to disrupt plant growth.
- Very large areas can be treated quickly using aerial application and the liquid formulation ensures an even distribution to reach target plants.
- The product’s efficacy is not influenced by soil clay content.
- The active ingredients are not harmful to people or animals.
- Cattle and game do not need to be removed from the area before application.
- It can be applied with great accuracy to smaller areas by helicopters or drones.
- It has no negative impact on grass species, so natural grazing is unaffected.
- Good grazing grasses return very quickly after application, as dead trees no longer use the available water and nutrients in the soil.
- Where good grazing grasses are established, it suppresses tree seedlings that germinate from the seed bank from taking over the target area again.
- The dead tree material can be harvested two years after application – with job creation stimulated, including sales of firewood that is safe for cooking.
- Areas that are not feasible to treat aerially, can easily be controlled using a knapsack sprayer application, promoting further job creation.
Always use as per label recommendation. SenderoTM 336 SL contains aminopyralid and clopyralid.
Reg. no. L10569 I Act no. 36 of 1947. Terravusa Pasture and Land Management. Reg. no. 2011/006806/07