
See our range of exclusive herbicide solutions

Sendero is effective and selective! A game changer to manage degraded pastures.

Sendero is a new herbicide that effectively controls difficult-to-control species like Sickle bush. Not only does Sendero provide best-in-class performance on various encroaching species with aerial broadcast treatments, but it is also highly selective towards many desirable tree species and grasses.

Certain woody plants are essential for desirable wildlife habitat. Wildlife relies on these plants for cover, shelter for the young, and nutrition. However, species such as Sickle bush outcompete desirable shrubs for moisture and sunlight if left unmanaged. The selectivity of Sendero 336 SL allows control of the undesirable brush while having little to no effect on desirable brush, even with broadcast aerial applications.

Sendero 336 SL is a herbicide with a new active ingredient for the selective control of woody plant species. It is registered for use on livestock farms, game ranches, conservation areas, forestry industrial areas, and non-crop land. Sendero 336 SL is absorbed by the leaves and translocates to the roots and underground bud zone more quickly and thoroughly than other products. This ensures high levels of control over target species.

Sendero 336 SL is an auxin-like growth regulator herbicide that is absorbed by leaves and green plant tissue. The active ingredients mimic plant hormones to disrupt plant growth, leading to the plant’s demise. Sendero 336 SL applications can be done by aerial broadcast or by foliar spot application and have no withdrawal periods for livestock or game prior to product application. It also does not harm sensitive ecosystem fauna.

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Active Ingredients:

1. Aminopyralid

• A selective active ingredient used for control of broadleaf weeds.
• It is in the picolinic acid family of herbicides, which also includes clopyralid, picloram and triclopyr.
• It does not affect grass species.
• Aminopyralid disrupts plant growth metabolic pathways, affecting the growth process of the plant.
• Non-bio-accumulative in animals, no carcinogenic carry-over to humans through meat and milk.
• Keep away from any irrigation water body / river / canals.
• Keep away from cultivated fields / orchards.
• Aerial application of a liquid, rather than a granule, is more selective as the product is only taken up by the leaves where it is applied. No target damage is done due to product leaching or uptake through the roots.
• It is very selective, and the active ingredients only controls specific tree species (mainly leguminous trees) such as Sickle bush, Black thorn and Sweet thorn. (Predominantly encroacher species).
• The active ingredients are not harmful to people or animals.

2. Chlopyralid

a) A selective herbicide used for control of broadleaf weeds.
b) In the picolinic acid family of herbicides, which includes aminopyralid, picloram, triclopyr.
c) It does not affect grass species.
d) Known for its ability to persist in dead plants and compost.
e) Mimics a plant growth hormone and causes uncontrolled and disorganized plant growth that leads to plant death.
f) Non-bio-accumulative in animals, no carcinogenic carry-over to humans through meat and milk
g) Keep away from any irrigation water body / river / canals.
h) Keep away from cultivated fields / orchards.

Product facts:


It is a liquid formulation applied by air by means of a fixed – wing aircraft or helicopter at a spray mix rate of 40 liters per hectare. Drone applications are also gaining increased popularity.


Aerial application of a liquid rather than a granule ensures more even and effective distribution of the active ingredients to reach the target plants.


The product’s efficacy is not influenced by soil clay content.


It can be applied with much greater accuracy to smaller areas by helicopter and even drones.


It has no negative impact on grass species, so natural grazing is not affected. Good grazing grasses returns very quickly after application, as the dead trees do not use the available water and nutrients in the soil anymore.


Where good grazing grasses establish, it suppresses tree seedlings that germinates form the seedbank from taking over the target area again.


The dead tree material can be harvested two years after application – therefore work creation is stimulated in rural areas through guaranteed harvesting of safe firewood for resale.


The active ingredients are not harmful to people or animals, since they only contain synthetic plant hormones.


Cattle and game in the areas of application do not need to be removed prior to application.


The product’s characteristics means that very large areas can be treated in a short time.


Trees that remain in peripheral infestation areas that is not feasible to treat aerially, can easily be controlled by means of knapsack sprayer application of Sendero 336 SL, ensuring further work creation for rural communities.

Mezavue, setting the new standard in Opuntia control!

In South Africa, the primary focus is the effective control of Opuntia species within the Cacti family. This includes addressing concerns related to jointed cactus, prickly pear, queen of the night cactus, and various others. Notably, Mezavue 250 EW stands out for its benign impact on grass species, ensuring that natural grazing remains unaffected by its application.  It also provides a much safer alternative the current standard,  M.S.M.A. 720 SL, which can be extremely harmful to grazing animals.

Mezavue 250 EW is registered for use in South Africa (limited), Namibia, and Botswana. The product has been meticulously designed to be very effective in controlling a wide range of species with a reduced rate of picloram, limiting risk of leaching and off target movement.  Its selectivity towards grass species underscores our commitment to sustainable agricultural practices and environmental compatibility.  Mezavue 250 EW can be applied through fixed-wing aircraft or helicopter at a spray mix rate of 40 liters per hectare. Additionally, it can be applied with ease through a knapsack sprayer.

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Active Ingredients:

1. Aminopyralid

• A selective active ingredient used for control of broadleaf weeds.
• It is in the picolinic acid family of herbicides, which also includes clopyralid, picloram and triclopyr.
• It does not affect grass species.
• Aminopyralid disrupts plant growth metabolic pathways, affecting the growth process of the plant.
• Non-bio-accumulative in animals, no carcinogenic carry-over to humans through meat and milk.
• Keep away from any irrigation water body / river / canals.
• Keep away from cultivated fields / orchards.
• Aerial application of a liquid, rather than a granule, is more selective as the product is only taken up by the leaves where it is applied. No target damage is done due to product leaching or uptake through the roots.
• It is very selective, and the active ingredients only controls specific tree species (mainly leguminous trees) such as Sickle bush, Black thorn and Sweet thorn. (Predominantly encroacher species).
• The active ingredients are not harmful to people or animals.

2. Picloram

a) A selective herbicide used for control of broadleaf weeds.
b) It is in the picolinic acid family of herbicides, which also includes aminopyralid, clopyralid and triclopyr.
c) It does not affect grass species.
d) Mode of action:
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ i) Acidify the plant cell walls.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ii) Plant cell walls tear loose.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ iii) Causes uncontrolled growth.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ iv) Plant cells elongate.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ v) Leads to the plant’s death
e) Known for its ability to persist in dead plant’s roots.
f) Non-bio-accumulative in animals, no carcinogenic carry-over to humans through meat and milk
g) Keep away from any irrigation water body / river / canals.
h) Keep away from cultivated fields / orchards.

Product facts:


It is a liquid formulation applied by air by means of a fixed – wing aircraft or helicopter at a spray mix rate of 40 liters per hectare. Drone applications are also gaining increased popularity.


Aerial application of a liquid rather than a granule ensures more even and effective distribution of the active ingredients to reach the target plants.


The product’s efficacy is not influenced by soil clay content.


It can be applied with much greater accuracy to smaller areas by helicopter and even drones.


It has no negative impact on grass species, so natural grazing is not affected. Good grazing grasses returns very quickly after application, as the dead trees do not use the available water and nutrients in the soil anymore.


Where good grazing grasses establish, it suppresses tree seedlings that germinates form the seedbank from taking over the target area again.


The dead tree material can be harvested two years after application – therefore work creation is stimulated in rural areas through guaranteed harvesting of safe firewood for resale.


The active ingredients are not harmful to people or animals, since they only contain synthetic plant hormones.


Cattle and game in the areas of application do not need to be removed prior to application.


The product’s characteristics means that very large areas can be treated in a short time.


Trees that remain in peripheral infestation areas that is not feasible to treat aerially, can easily be controlled by means of knapsack sprayer application of Mezavue 250 EW, ensuring further work creation for rural communities.

Advanced Methods

In partnership with Corteva Agriscience, Terravusa is the only African importer of Mezavue 250 EW and Sendero 336 SL.

Terravusa is proud to announce our exclusive partnership with Corteva Agriscience, the manufacturer and designer of two innovative herbicides – Mezavue 250 EW and Sendero 336 SL. This partnership means that Terravusa is now the sole distributor of these two products in South Africa, Namibia, and Botswana.

Corteva Agriscience is a leading global agriculture company that specializes in providing innovative solutions to farmers worldwide. They are committed to developing sustainable and environmentally friendly products that help farmers improve their yields and productivity while reducing their environmental footprint.

Mezavue 250 EW and Sendero 336 SL are two examples of Corteva Agriscience’s commitment to sustainable agriculture. These herbicides are designed to help farmers restore their pastures to optimal production. Both products contain aminopyralid, which was the first non-crop herbicide ever registered as a reduced-risk pesticide by the U.S. EPA and was nominated for a Presidential Green Chemistry Award in the U.S. This was due to its increased activity on target species at lower rates than current competitors, while reducing risks to people, non-target organisms, and the environment.

Terravusa’s exclusive partnership with Corteva Agriscience allows us to bring these innovative products to South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Eswatini, and Lesotho, providing farmers with the opportunity to increase the productivity of their pastures while supporting sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.

The exclusive partnership between Terravusa and Corteva Agriscience is a game-changer for our farmers. It also enables the development of more innovative technologies and tools in the future. With our commitment to sustainable agricultural practices and Corteva Agriscience’s innovative solutions, farmers can confidently take control of their land, increase productivity, and reduce their environmental footprint.


